
“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible to speak a few reasonable words.” –Goethe


Furniture Update and Annie Sloan


When I was 14 or 15 my dad took me shopping for a new dresser and nightstand. I picked out a tall 6-drawer dresser in a honey colored finish with matching bedside table. This set went with me to California when I got married and has withstood several more moves over the past 12 years. They have been in my daughter’s room for the past five years and I have been mulling over in my mind how to give them a fresh start. A friend led me to Annie Sloan chalk paint and it proved to be every bit as lovely as she testified. Her color palette is incredibly inviting and it was hard to choose the combination I wanted, but I finally settled on Provence (because I knew my daughter would love this color) and Old White.  It’s lucky for me that I’m not far from one of her distributors (although it would be a good excuse to pay a trip to Oxford). This paint required no prep work, which is usually the least fun part of refinishing furniture. It goes on thick and smooth and has an extremely matte finish. A final wax is all the sealing it needs. I left the tops alone–the grain of the wood is beautiful and it reminds me of the original that came from my dad. I now fully appreciate the gift of solid wood furniture after throwing away more than one cheap dresser over the years.

